THE C65 BASIC V10 SCREEN COMMANDS V0.1/16.08.1999 =============================================================================== written by TXW THE C65 INFORMATION PAGE Please note that this information is not a complete tutorial describing all functions and possibilities of the screen commands, it is meant as a start and will be completed in future versions. All information and programs in this text are tested on a V910612 ROM Version. Older (and newer) ROMs may vary the results.. =============================================================================== If you want to use the drawing commands of Basic V10 (such as BOX, LINE, CIRCLE, CHAR or ELLIPSE), you first have to set up a screen on wich these instructions take place. A screen consists of some bitplanes (up to 8) and a color palette. The number of possible colors is 2^number of bitplanes, so with 8 bitplanes you have 256 colors. Chapther 1 of the C65 user manual describes to following screen resolutions: 320 x 200 x 256 (8-bitplane) non-interlaced 640 x 200 x 16* (4-bitplane) non-interlaced 1280 x 200 x 4* (2-bitplane) non-interlaced 320 x 400 x 256 (8-bitplane) interlaced 640 x 400 x 16* (4-bitplane) interlaced 1280 x 400 x 4* (2-bitplane) interlaced *plus sprite and border colors Anyway, it seems that most of them cannot be set using the basic instructions on my C65 (ROM 910612). My C65 won't let me set more than 7 bitplanes in 320x200 mode and won't take more than 3 planes in the higher resolutions. May- be this works only with the (non-existant?) ram-expansion. Before you tell the C65 wich sort of screen you want to use, you first have to initialize the bitmap-graphics mode. This is done simply by giving the 'GRAPHIC CLR' instruction. So now you have to decide wich sort of screen you want to use. That's where the SCREEN DEF command comes into context. Chapter 3 of the user manual gives us the following syntax: SCREEN DEF screen#, width, height, depth screen# 0-1 width 0=320, 1=640, 2=1280 height 0=200, 1=400 depth 1-8 bitplanes (2-256 colors) You can define two screens, with the numbers 0 and 1, comes in handy for double-buffering, hm? The resolution is set by the width and height parame- ters, the depth in bitplanes is set with the last parameter. To define screen 1 with a resolution of 320x200 and 128 colors, you would use the following command: SCREEN DEF 1,0,0,5 For a 640x200 screen 0 with 8 colors use: SCREEN DEF 0,1,0,3 Easy, huh? Well, next thing is to open the screen. This will take care of memo- ry-allocation and screen-setup. Only parameter to give is the screen number we used in our SCREEN DEF statement. The appropriate command is (guess what..) SCREEN OPEN. So with SCREEN OPEN 1 you open screen number 1. Before you can start drawing boxes and circles, you still have to tell your 65 which screen to use as view-screen and wich screen to use as draw-screen. Very good for double-buffering (showing one screen while you update the other, then changing the screens). This is archived by using the SCREEN SET command with the syntax: SCREEN SET DrawScreen#, ViewScreen# If you do not use double-buffering then you can use the same screen as draw- and viewscreen without a problem. To draw on and view the screen 1 you just say: SCREEN SET 1,1 Well, that was all. Now you can start to draw with the commands described in chapter 3 of the user manual. Don't forget to SCREEN CLOSE after you are done, or you will be lost in bit- map mode after your program ended. It would be a good idea to set some colors using the PALETTE command and alter- ing the draw-color using the PEN command. Here's a little program example, for more programs check the download section of the C65 Information page. 10 GRAPHIC CLR : REM ** INIT GRAPHIC MODE 20 SCREEN DEF 1,0,0,5 : REM ** DEFINE 320x200x32COLS SCREEN 30 SCREEN OPEN 1 : REM ** SET UP THE SCREEN 40 PALETTE 1,0,0,0,0 : REM ** SCREEN 1 COLOR 0 = BLACK 50 PALETTE 1,1,15,15,15 : REM ** SCREEN 1 COLOR 1 = WHITE 60 SCNCLR 0 : REM ** CLEAR SCREEN WITH COLOR 0 70 PEN 0,1 : REM ** SET PEN 0 TO DRAW COLOR 1 (WHITE) 80 LINE 100,100,200,200 : REM ** DRAW A LINE 90 CHAR 5,5,2,2,2,"C65 rules" : REM ** DRAW SOME TEXT 100 SLEEP 5 : REM ** WAIT 5 SECONDS 110 SCREEN CLOSE 1 : REM ** NEVER FORGET! CLOSE EVERYTHING! 120 PALETTE RESTORE : REM ** RESTORE THE OLD SYSTEM COLORS